1 min read

OTR, Take 22 - Mix Tape Saturday

OTR, Take 22 - Mix Tape Saturday

Hey folks. This morning got away from me.

After several hours of beating myself up over not getting started on this week's OTR, I've decided to give myself some grace and put together a mix tape for you and calling it for this week.

Giving myself grace is something I struggle with. Actually, that's not quite true. I'm good at giving myself grace (ie making excuses) when I let myself down. But when I've promised things to other people, I hold myself to perfection.

Neither one of these is a healthy stance.

So I'm actively working on being better about both. This is a big step for me, despite how ludicrously small it likely appears to each of you. Next week, I'll be back full speed!

A quick note on the mix tape. First, it's not a mix tape, it's a playlist. But I'm of the age that a mix tape meant something, so I have sentimental attachment to the phrase. Second, this is a mix I often listen to on very early morning walks. Try it!

Click here for the mix tape.

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