My brain's the cliff and my heart's the bitter buffalo

A couple of weeks back, I stated that I was going to scale back my LinkedIn writing for some longer-form work. By that I meant, of course, On the Record and Pennhollow, but I've also been itching to find an outlet for longer creative non-fiction pieces. And here it is: Bitter Buffaloes.
I'll still be writing OTR every other Saturday, but I wanted to have a separate and distinct place for pieces that aren't couched in the Trojan Horse of music reviews. I imagine Bitter Buffaloes will not be as regular as OTR and will often feature truly longform pieces – significantly longer than your run-of-the-mill OTR edition. I've been rereading Camus's Lyrical and Critical Essays, some of Joan Didion's early work, and (as always) picking up the Montaigne that has a permanent residence at my bedside. I admire the essay as a form, so here we go.
Two quick notes: I'm undecided as to whether to announce this new endeavor on LinkedIn. I figure if you've opted-in by now, you want to be around. (And if you want to continue receiving OTR but not Bitter Buffaloes, I think you can unsubscribe from this in your settings. If you have any issues, please email me and I will be sure to remove you from this distribution list personally.) But even if I don't push this on LinkedIn, I would love it if you could recommend this to someone you think might enjoy it, once you get a flavor for what I'm up to.
Second, a note about the provenance of the name Bitter Buffaloes. I don't think music will ever be too far from my mind.
Thank you for taking an interest in my writing. I know it is often not super uplifting, easy, or heartwarming. Bitter Buffaloes will not be the revelation of a new style, but I do hope to break some new ground in the public writing that I've been doing over the past few years.
I cannot tell you how much your support, notes, and friendly disagreements mean to me.
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